A great way to drive traffic to your site is by giving testimonials for other people's products and services in your market. Most web sites will display your name and your site address below your testimonial. People see those testimonials and will often click on your link to see your site.
I have a testimonial on one of Corey Rudl's web sites, and it generates about 50 to 75 visitors a week and does not cost me a penny. That is not a huge amount of traffic, but that is just from a single testimonial.
Most hosting services provide you with statistics on how many visitors are coming to your site, and you can study those to see where visitors are coming from. If I place a testimonial and it brings me visitors,
that will show up in my stats.
Randy Charach taught me an excellent technique for writing testimonials. Go to Amazon.com and look for best-selling books in the category that you wish to write a testimonial for. For each book, scan the
user reviews. Above each review, look for the user rating (i.e., "18 out of 21 people found the following review helpful").
Pay particular attention to the reviews where 90 percent or more of the people agreed with the reviewer. Read the review carefully and pick up on the language the writer used. You'll want to model your
own testimonials after these successful reviews. Don't copy the review, but use similar words and tone for your own testimonials. Web site owners are more likely to use a testimonial that cites specific results rather than general praise. "... helped me increase my sales by 175 percent in one month!" is better than "Loved
the course!"
Here's a tip for buying and selling e-books with resale rights. It takes just a few minutes to set this up, and it's free. Normally, when you buy an e-book with resale rights, you get the e-book and a ready-made sales letter in the form of a web page. You then add your order link and contact info to this page and use it on your web site or online auctions.
Most people just pass along the original generic web page when they resell the product. What I do is add my own testimonial (with my web address) to this page in an appropriate spot and include that page in my resale package. When customers resell the e-book, they put the modified page on their sites and auctions. This puts my name and web site address in front of their visitors. I get more traffic and it reinforces my credibility.
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