Rapidworkers.com is a full service, professional job networking site, designed to meet all of your sales, marketing, and outsourcing needs.
We cater to both the worker seeking online employment, and the online entrepreneur, seeking to improve their online presence, and revenue. Rapidworkers.com has a solution to meet your demands.
Our website is located on a dedicated server, available 24/7. We are a global service, employing people from all over the world, to provide marketing solutions to our growing list of available employers. Upon entering the site, employers and those seeking to employ them are brought together on level ground..
Once your account is set up, your ready to get started! Workers have the advantage of signing up for their free account, and getting one of our many available jobs. Such jobs include: Twitter and Facebook networking, blog posting for employers, website reviews, providing answers on Yahoo, providing back-linking services, publishing ads in online classifieds, and many more available jobs. Our site updates constantly, so be sure to check in frequently throughout the day, to make sure you get the job before your competitors do! (Jobs are always available. We suggest checking in so you get your preferred job)
There are many job finding networks out there that offer you jobs. The problem is, similar sites don't offer you any real help with the tools you need to complete your online “campaigns”. You have to apply for the job, then when you get the job, your expected to source out all of your materials such as: profile images, article templates, avatars, proxy servers, and link cloaking services. For those of you just starting – Yes, you do need all of these things! For those who have been there before, you know how frustrating this can be. We seek to make the process as effortless as possible. Why? Because if you aren't working at pleasing our employers, nobody wins!
Rapidworkers.com wants you focusing on your “campaigns” for your employers, not clicking all over the internet looking for suitable materials to get your projects completed quickly. Not to mention downloading questionable content, from unknown sources can mean viruses. We have everything you will ever need to get your jobs done. We also offer online support, in case you have any questions. Something else worth mentioning: Our site is PayPal approved, so if your wondering how you will be paid, for all of the projects you will be completing for our employers – You can rest assured, when the work is completed, to the employer's satisfaction, you will be paid!
Each and every employer who advertises their campaign(s), is required to be very specific in their expectations of you, as an employee. This is required to ensure they get what they are paying for. Just as important, we want you to be exactly sure what is expected of you, as an employee, so you can get paid for your efforts. So relax, sign up, and start earning.
We are here, so you can be successful, and take the worry out of working for some stranger on the other side of a computer – that may, or may not pay you! As soon as your work is approved, you accept payment. Its easy!
For employers - Rapidworkers.com provides a one stop shop for all your web marketing needs. As mentioned earlier, we bring workers from all over the globe, to ensure YOU the best selection and price possible. Your able to post your desired needs in our “campaigns” section, where the people looking for work will see your ad. When posting your ad, we insist that you leave detailed expectations, as your expectations represent the completion of each campaign. They are a part of a binding contract between you, and your prospective employee. Your essentially telling them what needs to be completed, and what you expect from them as proof of their completed “campaign”. Low cost marketing and publicity, doesn't have to mean you need to compromise quality. With this system, both sides are ensured satisfaction.
The objective is for you to minimize costs, while growing your business. The beauty of our system is its simplicity. Your coming to us to automate your marketing project, so that you can focus on scaling up your money making efforts, while not worrying about search engine optimization, or generating traffic to your sales pages and websites.
The employees have everything they will need to complete your projects. A few services our employees can offer you are: Submitting your site to popular search engines, article submission, back-linking services, blog commenting, forum posting, networking on Twitter and Facebook, creating and answering questions on Yahoo Answers, “Digg”ing your websites and blogs, and so much more!
If you can think of a job, or task you need done – Rapidworkers.com, and its workers can make it happen for you. The great advantage here is that no job is too big, or too small. You simply set your terms, the proof you require before you will pay for the “campaign”, and how much you will pay for each task. EASY!
The proof of a completed campaign is important to us, as we know it is important for you. Workers who attempt to fake their work, or take shortcuts, will be banned immediately, with no chance of rehire. Rapidworkers will not tolerate any such practice, as it is no different than stealing. That's why YOU set the terms, and the worker chooses to accept, or not. Both sides have a fair opportunity to agree.
To summarize: We believe in bringing the employer together with the employee, at an equal opportunity website. By removing the middle man, as most recruiting services are – We can effectively make sure employers get low cost publicity and marketing for your online ventures. For the employee we can provide a safe, and secure environment for you to find meaningful, online employment – On a PayPal approved website
I'm sure everyone can imagine the standards that the largest payment processing website online expects their potential vendors to meet. We are a group of compassionate, regular folks who seek to help make it easier for all of you, to achieve your dreams, without worry. Life is too short to worry about the little things. Rapidworkers.com will eliminate those “little things” and help bring LIFE to you!
Free SEO Software for your site..Click Here!
How to Start an Ebay Business
17.38 Rich Dad Label: e-bay business 0 komentar

By William Brister
eBay has become a huge online business with people raking in hundreds of dollars selling discounted merchandise ranging from garage sale items to new products and collectibles. Research shows that more than 700,000 people across the world make a living, either part time or full-time selling on eBay. It is interesting to note that as more people generate income from eBay, the greater the number of shoppers attracted to the site.
Most people wanting to start an eBay business come as buyers, get hooked on the bandwagon, learn the art of selling and as they clear the belongings they have set out to sell, they realize that they have started making money as well. Thus, several enterprising individuals who began as part time home based businesses have turned these into thriving companies employing numerous employees.
But just as with all small businesses, one must be aware of certain things while starting an eBay business. There is a huge market with many buyers and lots of competition. The issues dealing with finance, warehousing, payment channels and fulfilling orders also remain equally challenging.
To start an eBay business, is like investing time and effort in any other. So ensure that you have a prudent business plan just like for a traditional business. Also, make sure that it is in congruence with your lifestyle and your needs with attainable goals.
Think about the products that you are going to offer and strategize on how to buy and sell on eBay. What would you prefer to be – retail store offering a variety or a discount merchant with specialized products? Is there anything that distinguishes you from your competitors? Select access to buying products will allow you an edge over your competition.
The trick of ‘buying and selling on eBay’ would be to buy at a low cost and sell at a premium and thus generate profits. But it’s not always that simple. You have to think carefully of your strategy for buying products at a price that’s low enough to allow you a profit margin when you mark it up to a price that is still attractive to your market. Also account for the turnover and how your profit margin combined with it will support your operations and still deliver a profit to you.
Once you have your business plan all figured out and products decided, you need to register yourself at eBay. Visit eBay and click on the “Sell” tab at the top of the homepage. Follow the step-by-step instructions to register as an eBay community member. You will have to provide your basic contact information, as well as banking information, such as credit card and checking account numbers. Once that is done, give your business a structure by filing for incorporation or forming a limited liability company.
Since it is a business, whether part-time or full time, keep separate accounting books so as to avoid creating confusion during tax season. Also get insurance for yourself and your eBay business.
Once all the preliminaries are sorted out, there are issues that need to be heeded of a more serious nature. These include paying for your merchandise, stocking goods, receiving payments from customers, as well as financing your business. Although there are many options for all of these, seek out the best suited for you. Stocking can start with garages or basements to save costs in the initial period. You can even use rental storage units and once money starts coming in think of more permanent options like warehouses. You can link up with your customers through payment companies like PayPal, which is an online payment service that enables buyers to pay for their purchases by drawing funds from their credit cards or checking accounts.
After all the logistics are taken care of, you can start your eBay business. Ensure that your web pages are well designed and attractive with good photographs of the products so that customers keep visiting. This is important, as this is the only way for a person to know what he is buying. Decide on which model you want to use to sell your good, auction model or fixed price model. Packing and shipping need special attention to ensure repeated business. Finally, pay attention to your eBay feedback rating especially designed to help eBay buyers and sellers police each other. As you collect positive ratings, buyers will view your business in a credible light, an extremely critical aspect of eBay.
With all this you are set to becoming a successful entrepreneur on eBay!
PTC Sites - Does it worth investing your time, effort and money in this kind of websites?
17.30 Rich Dad Label: PTC 0 komentar

By Claudiu Baciu
This is the question many people ask when they’re hitting the multitude of opinions pro and against from the forums and blogs all around the internet talking about ptc sites.
Let’s answer this question: It is definitely worth the time and money if you know what to do to make these websites bring you profit.
Some people are labeling these websites as „no good or scams” but all this is happening because they entered in the game without knowing the rules or better said the most common sense guidelines for it.
Here you have the minimum checklist you could use to see if a ptc sites is worth it or not:
1. Go to whois.net and check the domain name of the ptc (www.exampleptc.com) who is owned by and what hosting service does it use. New websites even those not older than 6 months have a higher chance of failing to resist so it’s best to stay away of those.
2. Take a simple look at the websites’ design – a poor design or a free script often shows a website owner that does not intend to honor his members’ payments.
3. Take a look at the advertising fees the website is charging and then compare it to the fees it gives to it members. If he requests for example $0.002 for a single hit of an advertiser and yet it pays the members at least $0.005 on a click then the site will not last long because it doesn’t make profit.
4. Do a google search for the ptc website followed by the word ‘scam’ and check if there are any complaints about it or what are other people saying about it.
If you have done these 4 steps before joining a ptc website then you have 99% chances to gain a good profit.
The next thing to do once you’ve analyzed and joined several ptc sites is to “start small”. This means do not invest large sums of money on referrals, upgrades or contests within these sites from the beginning.
Even if your analyze has proven those ptc sites are worthy it is best to test them yourself for a while, meaning wait for your first 2 payouts see how long does the ptc take to transfer the money and then you can start with investing more.
Every time try to test all the ptc sites you care to join and only after that if you are 100% positive about it start investing money. This way you will minimize the risk of being scammed.
Social Networking sites are so popular, is People String going to take over?
17.20 Rich Dad Label: social network 0 komentar

By Lisa Robbins
People String has multiple services, email, cash back shopping mall, games, mailbox-cashbox and on September 23, 2009 they launched their Social Networking site. Considering the popularity of Facebook, MySpace and Twitter it's a bold attempt to compete with the big boys, and try to tempt their loyal customers to join People String. But People String is offering something the others are not, revenue sharing. People String will be sharing 70% of their advertising revenue with their members. This can be quite profitable for someone who actively recruits others on behalf of People String, in fact people will be able to profit from 6 levels, they call this "building your string" and they will recieve .50 cents for each new recruit and a percentage of their revenue sharing for life. People could potentially make hundreds even thousands a month from the multiple income streams offered. In these tough economic times this could be very appealing to the masses.
To profit from this Social Networking site, members will have to remain active which means they will have to log in at least once every 30 days. There are also "people points" to consider. Members earn people points while using the site, this could add up to 20-40 points a day. People points are what determines the amount of revenue sharing someone will receive at the end of the month. It wouldn't be fair if someone with 20 points recieved the same share as someone with 2,000 points.
People points as well as the number of people you have recruited into your string are displayed on your People String homepage. Also, every transaction that makes you money can be reviewed as well. There is also a place to add your favorite sites, quick links to the other social networking sites, email sites and instant messaging sites. They have created a homepage that is well organized and easy to use.
Will the prospect of making money for free be enough to lure people away from sites like Facebook and Twitter. People String is new and still growing and evolving and they are promising features that will attract a tremendous amount of people. Time will tell whether or not it will be enough to topple the giants of Social Networking.
Source :http://www.articlealley.com/article_1191021_12.html
Simple Technique to Increase Visitors to Your Web Site
14.47 Rich Dad Label: site traffic 0 komentar

A great way to drive traffic to your site is by giving testimonials for other people's products and services in your market. Most web sites will display your name and your site address below your testimonial. People see those testimonials and will often click on your link to see your site.
I have a testimonial on one of Corey Rudl's web sites, and it generates about 50 to 75 visitors a week and does not cost me a penny. That is not a huge amount of traffic, but that is just from a single testimonial.
Most hosting services provide you with statistics on how many visitors are coming to your site, and you can study those to see where visitors are coming from. If I place a testimonial and it brings me visitors,
that will show up in my stats.
Randy Charach taught me an excellent technique for writing testimonials. Go to Amazon.com and look for best-selling books in the category that you wish to write a testimonial for. For each book, scan the
user reviews. Above each review, look for the user rating (i.e., "18 out of 21 people found the following review helpful").
Pay particular attention to the reviews where 90 percent or more of the people agreed with the reviewer. Read the review carefully and pick up on the language the writer used. You'll want to model your
own testimonials after these successful reviews. Don't copy the review, but use similar words and tone for your own testimonials. Web site owners are more likely to use a testimonial that cites specific results rather than general praise. "... helped me increase my sales by 175 percent in one month!" is better than "Loved
the course!"
Here's a tip for buying and selling e-books with resale rights. It takes just a few minutes to set this up, and it's free. Normally, when you buy an e-book with resale rights, you get the e-book and a ready-made sales letter in the form of a web page. You then add your order link and contact info to this page and use it on your web site or online auctions.
Most people just pass along the original generic web page when they resell the product. What I do is add my own testimonial (with my web address) to this page in an appropriate spot and include that page in my resale package. When customers resell the e-book, they put the modified page on their sites and auctions. This puts my name and web site address in front of their visitors. I get more traffic and it reinforces my credibility.
PTC can curing adsense disappointment?
00.23 Rich Dad Label: PTC 0 komentar
Making money with adsense need lots of effort. We need extra time to write, promote, and develop our site. Since i stop to develop my adsense blog, (didnt get any energy to make it on my own) i try to promote and develop PTC.
As i know, PTC is not trusted in making money in the net. But, in the present, some popular PTC like neobux, and upbux can be trusted. They made the site so secure and the payment is clear.
In the future, i will share the tips how i can earn this kind of business...
As i know, PTC is not trusted in making money in the net. But, in the present, some popular PTC like neobux, and upbux can be trusted. They made the site so secure and the payment is clear.
In the future, i will share the tips how i can earn this kind of business...
How to Find Your Exact Buyer on the World Wide Web
18.43 Anonim Label: online selling, promotion 0 komentar
By Dan Seidman
Marketing experts like Jay Conrad Levinson, Joe Sugarman, and
Jay Abraham agree perfectly on one thing: The first thing you must
do to promote your product or service is to identify your exact potential
buyer. The following strategy is an excellent lead-generation
system to discover the best people who are willing to spend money
on you.
On the Web, it’s fairly easy to locate watering holes where people
interested in your topic gather to drink of the knowledge and experience
the wisdom of their peers. Here are three strategic steps to take in
your journey to sell on the Internet.
1. Set up a free e-mail account. Use this address only for this
project. This keeps your existing e-mail account from becoming cluttered
with your research. Get it free from a service like Hotmail.com
or Yahoo.com.
2. Sign up for all e-zines that match your business or consumers’
market, using this new e-mail account. This web site lists all the big
and little e-zines: http://ezines.nettop20.com. You should also compile
a list of keywords for your business type in order to search out all potential
e-zines. In addition, go to the web sites of your clients and competitors
and subscribe to their newsletters.
3. Read through these e-zines each week to find out which ones
are quality newsletters, who is writing articles for them, and how large
each subscriber list is.
Now that you have found them, what are some possible ways to
get them to discover you and buy your product or service? Try these:
➤ Contact the best e-zines to ask if the publisher would review
your web site or service.
➤ Post messages with your opinions and expertise to the
➤ Write articles to share with the e-zine publishers. Remember,
they have to produce new content for each issue. Your offer of
help is greatly appreciated. A simple formula to construct an
article is to describe a problem, make it worse (share the consequences
of the trouble), then offer a solution (perhaps
yours!). But don’t blatantly promote your offering.
➤ A great way to leverage other writers who are already contributing
to these e-zines is to e-mail them and comment on
their articles. Be sure to mention that their writing caught
your eye because your expertise is in that business area and
you respect their insights. These can be turned into great
strategic alliances. Of course, visit these writers’ web sites and
sign up for their e-zines.
➤ Consider placing ads in the best e-zines—if you can, contact
other advertisers who said they make money from their ads.
Just begin to invest a little time communicating with others in
your marketplace and you’ll find a herd of buyers. And don’t forget to
stop and enjoy the chance to sip from others as well. You just might be
someone else’s buyer, too.
Target your market on the Web and you will sell more! Good
Dan Seidman is a speaker, author, and coach who manages the awardwinning
web site SalesAutopsy.com. His new book, The Death of 20th
Century Selling: 50 Hilarious Sales Blunders and How You Can Profit
from Them, is available by calling toll-free 1-877-613-7355 or visiting
www.salesautopsy.com/book.html. Dan can be reached at dan@sales
autopsy.com. He is also available to speak at your sales conference or
trade show on these very funny stories and innovative selling strategies.
Marketing experts like Jay Conrad Levinson, Joe Sugarman, and
Jay Abraham agree perfectly on one thing: The first thing you must
do to promote your product or service is to identify your exact potential
buyer. The following strategy is an excellent lead-generation
system to discover the best people who are willing to spend money
on you.
On the Web, it’s fairly easy to locate watering holes where people
interested in your topic gather to drink of the knowledge and experience
the wisdom of their peers. Here are three strategic steps to take in
your journey to sell on the Internet.
1. Set up a free e-mail account. Use this address only for this
project. This keeps your existing e-mail account from becoming cluttered
with your research. Get it free from a service like Hotmail.com
or Yahoo.com.
2. Sign up for all e-zines that match your business or consumers’
market, using this new e-mail account. This web site lists all the big
and little e-zines: http://ezines.nettop20.com. You should also compile
a list of keywords for your business type in order to search out all potential
e-zines. In addition, go to the web sites of your clients and competitors
and subscribe to their newsletters.
3. Read through these e-zines each week to find out which ones
are quality newsletters, who is writing articles for them, and how large
each subscriber list is.
Now that you have found them, what are some possible ways to
get them to discover you and buy your product or service? Try these:
➤ Contact the best e-zines to ask if the publisher would review
your web site or service.
➤ Post messages with your opinions and expertise to the
➤ Write articles to share with the e-zine publishers. Remember,
they have to produce new content for each issue. Your offer of
help is greatly appreciated. A simple formula to construct an
article is to describe a problem, make it worse (share the consequences
of the trouble), then offer a solution (perhaps
yours!). But don’t blatantly promote your offering.
➤ A great way to leverage other writers who are already contributing
to these e-zines is to e-mail them and comment on
their articles. Be sure to mention that their writing caught
your eye because your expertise is in that business area and
you respect their insights. These can be turned into great
strategic alliances. Of course, visit these writers’ web sites and
sign up for their e-zines.
➤ Consider placing ads in the best e-zines—if you can, contact
other advertisers who said they make money from their ads.
Just begin to invest a little time communicating with others in
your marketplace and you’ll find a herd of buyers. And don’t forget to
stop and enjoy the chance to sip from others as well. You just might be
someone else’s buyer, too.
Target your market on the Web and you will sell more! Good
Dan Seidman is a speaker, author, and coach who manages the awardwinning
web site SalesAutopsy.com. His new book, The Death of 20th
Century Selling: 50 Hilarious Sales Blunders and How You Can Profit
from Them, is available by calling toll-free 1-877-613-7355 or visiting
www.salesautopsy.com/book.html. Dan can be reached at dan@sales
autopsy.com. He is also available to speak at your sales conference or
trade show on these very funny stories and innovative selling strategies.
Book review:How to Make Money with YouTube by Schepp Brothers
18.06 Anonim Label: books, youtube 0 komentar
Nowadays, video sharing become the largest profitable site. It was bring a huge traffic from all over the world. Brad and Debra Schepp from Mc.Graw Hill write the book about the benefits using youtube to get money from the net. Ever since its creation in 2005 the video-sharing phenomenon has been newsworthy not only for videos: users were making media appearances about how they parlayed their hobbies into six-figure incomes, but they’ve been tight-lipped when it comes totheir secrets.
Luckily, e-commerce experts Brad and Debra Schepp have written this complete guide to using YouTube for fun and profit. By the time you're done with this book, you'll know everything there is to know about:
1.Planning, creating, and sharing your own videos that "don't suck"
2.What makes a video go viral
3.Harnessing YouTube's power for branding, advertising, and fundraising
4. Inside you’ll find real-life YouTube success stories-—from video makers who used the site to launch successful consulting businesses to a company’s humorous “Will It Blend?” videos that brought thousands of new customers to its Web site.
Book details:
Title of ebook: How to Make Money with YouTube : Earn Cash, Market Yourself, Reach Your Customers, and Grow Your Business on the World's Most Popular Video-Sharing Site
ISBN: 9780071626187
parent-ISBN: 9780071621366
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Pages: 240
Published: 05-2009
Released online for download: 05-15-2009
Author of eBook: Schepp, Brad
Author of eBook: Schepp, Debra
Luckily, e-commerce experts Brad and Debra Schepp have written this complete guide to using YouTube for fun and profit. By the time you're done with this book, you'll know everything there is to know about:
1.Planning, creating, and sharing your own videos that "don't suck"
2.What makes a video go viral
3.Harnessing YouTube's power for branding, advertising, and fundraising
4. Inside you’ll find real-life YouTube success stories-—from video makers who used the site to launch successful consulting businesses to a company’s humorous “Will It Blend?” videos that brought thousands of new customers to its Web site.
Book details:
Title of ebook: How to Make Money with YouTube : Earn Cash, Market Yourself, Reach Your Customers, and Grow Your Business on the World's Most Popular Video-Sharing Site
ISBN: 9780071626187
parent-ISBN: 9780071621366
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Pages: 240
Published: 05-2009
Released online for download: 05-15-2009
Author of eBook: Schepp, Brad
Author of eBook: Schepp, Debra
Online selling tips :meet your product with your customer is the human side of ad tracking
17.46 Anonim Label: online selling 0 komentar
By Jeff Mulligan
Do you know why people buy from you? What part of your offer
put them over the edge? Let’s face it, you worked for a long time on
your sales copy. You created bonuses, designed a guarantee, and
sweated over the benefits and how to communicate them. But which
of those factors really connected with the buyers? What actually motivated
the purchase? If you knew, you could pump up the benefits
and the parts of your offer that really drive sales. But how can
you tell?
Actually, it’s very easy. You just ask. I do it every day—and it takes
me virtually no time or effort to get unbelievable information. How? I
add a simple e-mail to my autoresponder series immediately after a
customer purchases.
Here’s a sample e-mail request I might use:
Hi {firstname},
It’s Jeff here, from CBmall.
I’m doing a bit of market research
Can you tell me how you found out about CBmall? Was it a newsletter?
ad? search engine? Do you remember who referred you?
Or perhaps you were reading 10 Powerful Ways CBmall Makes You
And what specifically made you decide to make the investment? What
was the benefit that put you over the edge and turned you into a
This is important, because soon you will be sending traffic to the mall
and this may help the CBmall sales information get better. Which will
help you make more money!
Please just reply to this e-mail with the answers.
Thanks so much for your help,
Jeff Mulligan
Every day these e-mails go out, and every day I get valuable information.
To me, finding out why people buy is more important
than why they don’t (although I try to find that out, too). There are
too many reasons a person may not buy, many of which are beyond
my control. But knowing what turns buyers on is a huge benefit to
me as I fine-tune the copy. For example, here are some of the comments
I get:
➤ “I read all the info and I liked the fact that I did not have to
create a web site and a bunch of other stuff. I am new to Internet
marketing as well as being technically illiterate, but I figure
I can follow instructions for the most part, and you offer
the support I will need.”
➤ “Personalized autoresponder and newsletter.”
➤ “Reason: The e-book 10 Powerful Ways CBmall Makes You
Money made good marketing sense. . . . Also the products on
ClickBank-CBmall are terrific and good sellers. . . .”
➤ “I found your ad at clickbank.com.”
➤ “I first heard of CBmall from your newsletter, which I subscribed
to in December, but was not convinced. My next step
was to get the 10 Powerful Ways CBmall Makes You Money. This
made things much clearer. The number of products available
is impressive. The targeted traffic that is shared among owners
is a useful bonus. The guarantee means no risk, which is
essential as I am on a small pension.”
Do you know why people buy from you? What part of your offer
put them over the edge? Let’s face it, you worked for a long time on
your sales copy. You created bonuses, designed a guarantee, and
sweated over the benefits and how to communicate them. But which
of those factors really connected with the buyers? What actually motivated
the purchase? If you knew, you could pump up the benefits
and the parts of your offer that really drive sales. But how can
you tell?
Actually, it’s very easy. You just ask. I do it every day—and it takes
me virtually no time or effort to get unbelievable information. How? I
add a simple e-mail to my autoresponder series immediately after a
customer purchases.
Here’s a sample e-mail request I might use:
Hi {firstname},
It’s Jeff here, from CBmall.
I’m doing a bit of market research
Can you tell me how you found out about CBmall? Was it a newsletter?
ad? search engine? Do you remember who referred you?
Or perhaps you were reading 10 Powerful Ways CBmall Makes You
And what specifically made you decide to make the investment? What
was the benefit that put you over the edge and turned you into a
This is important, because soon you will be sending traffic to the mall
and this may help the CBmall sales information get better. Which will
help you make more money!
Please just reply to this e-mail with the answers.
Thanks so much for your help,
Jeff Mulligan
Every day these e-mails go out, and every day I get valuable information.
To me, finding out why people buy is more important
than why they don’t (although I try to find that out, too). There are
too many reasons a person may not buy, many of which are beyond
my control. But knowing what turns buyers on is a huge benefit to
me as I fine-tune the copy. For example, here are some of the comments
I get:
➤ “I read all the info and I liked the fact that I did not have to
create a web site and a bunch of other stuff. I am new to Internet
marketing as well as being technically illiterate, but I figure
I can follow instructions for the most part, and you offer
the support I will need.”
➤ “Personalized autoresponder and newsletter.”
➤ “Reason: The e-book 10 Powerful Ways CBmall Makes You
Money made good marketing sense. . . . Also the products on
ClickBank-CBmall are terrific and good sellers. . . .”
➤ “I found your ad at clickbank.com.”
➤ “I first heard of CBmall from your newsletter, which I subscribed
to in December, but was not convinced. My next step
was to get the 10 Powerful Ways CBmall Makes You Money. This
made things much clearer. The number of products available
is impressive. The targeted traffic that is shared among owners
is a useful bonus. The guarantee means no risk, which is
essential as I am on a small pension.”
Adsense is a hero?
17.34 Anonim Label: adsense 0 komentar
Im joining adsense almost 5 months to this day. There s a plenty effort i do to get money from this advertising program. When im started first month, i was dreaming can buy and get lot of stuff from this advertising program. But until this day, couldnt find the best result from that method.
At the 3rd month, i found that adsense pay us not for our dream, but they pay us what we give to them. They have lot of of advertising niche, from television, viagra, clinics, education, investing, bank, cloth, pet, food, restaurant, flights, hotels, condo, etc. Why we couldnt reach that?
I m thinking this formula can gain us what adsense provided:
1. Think about fresh niche idea, what become trend, doing research that other people cant do except us.
2. Choose domain or blog , always use the good domain name.
3. Write fresh content
4. DOing rational promotion with social networking
4. Writing articles on article directory
5. Make a good tutorial on youtube
Any other idea?
At the 3rd month, i found that adsense pay us not for our dream, but they pay us what we give to them. They have lot of of advertising niche, from television, viagra, clinics, education, investing, bank, cloth, pet, food, restaurant, flights, hotels, condo, etc. Why we couldnt reach that?
I m thinking this formula can gain us what adsense provided:
1. Think about fresh niche idea, what become trend, doing research that other people cant do except us.
2. Choose domain or blog , always use the good domain name.
3. Write fresh content
4. DOing rational promotion with social networking
4. Writing articles on article directory
5. Make a good tutorial on youtube
Any other idea?
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